Fitness Platoon’s Junto – Nov 21, 2008

We watched part 2 of John Adams. Because we’re all studying the American Revolution it gave us several points for discussion. The American Revolution is one of my favorite periods in American (and in fact world) history.

Here were a few resources passed at the meeting:

Make tests and flashcards:Link

Link to academic lectures:Link
(there is a “history” button on the right)

Aggregated resource for Chapter 4: Link
I’m still working on this last one. Part of the strategy is to create great resources for this exam so that other poolies, as well as anyone else, can use the resources to study for the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exam. I’ll update our progress as we go.

Tom and I also went to Blue Ridge Community College. Tom will be around for all of next semester so we’re looking into the possibility of him taking classes. If he can swing it, along with the CLEP exams and credits most colleges award for boot camp, he should have about a year of school done by the time he graduates from boot camp. His long-term goal is to be a teacher someday.

As the stated goal of the group is to teach strategies for CLEP success, I’ve decided to keep track of our progress here. In each post, I’ll publish the running number of CLEP credits awarded from our efforts.

Number of CLEP credits earned so far: 0
(The first tests are scheduled for December)

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